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Listen: Tape No.13 – Going The Distance

Us The Band

A crushing 10+ hour drive to another capital city is an Australian music scene necessity, a decent playlist is the only thing keeping your mind off being crammed in a car filled with gear.

Listen: Tape No.12 – Traversing the Inspiration Travel Tundra

Liam McGorry

This mixtape is made up of songs that my friends have put on in the tour van or played to me on tour, unwittingly blowing my mind along the way, and inspiring me to go down different rabbit-holes in search of more new and interesting music.

Chris Beecroft – On the Move

Chris Beecroft

Travel has really influenced a lot of my ideals and perspectives and has certainly given me a sharper sense of what’s actually important in life and what’s not. I find it incredibly easy to get clogged up in a lot of nonsense when I’m in the city.

Listen: Tape No.10 – Solo Drives with Nick Sowersby

Nick Sowersby (Sunbeam Sound Machine)

Driving and music go hand in hand. If it wasn’t terrible for the environment I’d almost exclusively listen to music whilst driving around. I’ve discovered a lot about music while driving: How to feel badass driving around Seaford in a 1995 Toyota Camry; How amazing Veckatimest is from start to finish; how to sing harmonies on long solo drives.

Tom Carment’s Australian landscapes

Tom Carment

While cycling about in remote South Australia Tom was bitten on the neck by a reback spider and, after suffering through the night, made it to hospital the following day to be dosed up on two bags of anti-venom. Another time, while hiking Tasmania’s magnificent Overland Track through constant rainfall, a leech found its way quietly into his mouth.

Listen: Tape No.9 – Christmas with The Adventure Handbook

Here at The Adventure Handbook we don’t shun the Christmas mixtape, we embrace it. For us its as essential as the roast potatoes and gravy and our Christmas day just isn’t complete without a steady stream of festive-themed songs blasting from the stereo.

Listen: Tape No.8 – Campfire Tales with Leigh Senior

Leigh Senior

In the play list I have included some songs for leaving, arriving…songs that lead you out of a small country town and into the possibilities of a clean sky. The endless horizon is liberating and also confronting as you attempt to define yourself not by your normal surroundings but by the tired reflection in the car window and thoughts rattling round.

Listen: Tape No.7 – Globetrotters with Edo & Dyl from Milwaukee Banks

Edo & Dyl

We’ve both travelled overseas individually, but never together… so when we put together the theme for this mixtape we were both discussing the music we listened to in our headphones on those trips. Songs and albums that became synonymous with experiencing a certain part of another city or discovering life in a different culture.

The end of the line: A photographic record of Melbourne’s metro train network

Sarah Burton

At the beginning of this year I was living in Melbourne and set this task for myself: To travel (by train, no cheating) to every single end of the line in Melbourne’s metropolitan train network and take a photo on medium format film…

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