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Listen: Tape No.5 – Cooking with Rough

Pete Curtis a.k.a 'Rough'

If you have ever worked in a commercial kitchen for even a second you would know that they are different from other working environments. Kitchens rely on hard work, staff who will show up no matter what, maybe a bit of goey from time-to-time and most

Homecamp, a response to all things poorly made

Stephanie Pajik

Here in Australia we are surrounded by breathtaking beauty and an abundance of opportunities to get out amongst it – often people don’t really know whats on their own doorstep.

Migrating to Australia: Being an outsider is not a bad vantage point

Wouter Van de Voorde

Migrating is a such huge thing to do in a person’s lifetime. This is definitely one of the most significant stories of my life until now, exodus from the mother land.

Listen: Tape No.2 – Backseat Driver with Ryan Kenny

Ryan Kenny

Here is a taste of what it’s like to be on the road with me for twenty-four hours. Minus my long winded tales of heartbreak. It’s 6am, you’ve just hopped in the car and it’s rolling slowly down a dirt road. Each song represents a new hour on the clock.

Watch: The Adventure Handbook x Britz Campervans

The Adventure Handbook

Outback Australia. We wanted to go because we didn’t know what was out there. So we jumped in a car from Adelaide and headed North. A lot can happen when six people from different walks of life head to the middle of nowhere. Against our better judgment we decided to bite off more than we could probably chew. ‘Who cares’, we said. ‘Why not?’

Muster in the dust – The rough beauty of the Australian outback

Katherine Williams

When I moved to Australia five years ago I instantly became a bit obsessed with the outback. I kept telling people that I wanted to go there, do a road trip to Perth, Darwin or Uluru but everyone kept telling me how dangerous that is and that I might die of thirst on the way. So of course that made me want to go even more!

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