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An open heart on the opposite side

Théo de Gueltzl

Théo de Gueltzl started his journey one year and a half ago in Los Angeles. He bought a Toyota Pick Up, built a wooden structure to fit a mattress and a life on the road.

Lost in Mexico

John Laurie

Where does it start and end? A landscape of blurred lines spanning sprawling density and a sparseness so vast that the echo of an echo has no answer.

The ache in us

Daniel Almazán Klinckwort

The best thing about traveling is that it allows you to experience the moment. You enter another time frame composed only from that which lies ahead of you. The world becomes different and to a certain extent, unreal.

Anuar Patjane: In Pursuit of Water

Anuar Patjane

Traveling is the best thing to achieve what some call enlightenment, not books nor teachers. Traveling since I was a little kid was the best thing that could ever happen to me, I thank my family for that.

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