Sam Abell: The Quiet Photographer – Part 2
It seems to me that this is the golden age of amateur photography. How do professionals, that is those who are committed documentary, editorial, photojournalists, how do we go about telling stories that are convincing and compelling in a visually saturated environment?
Sam Abell: The Quiet Photographer – Part 1
National Geographic photographer Sam Abell has defined his career with patience. There is no dull section of a Sam Abell photograph, the frame is layered from back to front with compelling imagery. This can be a slow process, it can take days, weeks, or in some cases months for the right opportunity to present itself.
Sherpa director Jennifer Peedom continues to document our relationship with risk in her new film Mountain
Just three centuries ago we were terrified of mountains because gods and monsters lived there, yet in this incredible short period of time we’ve come to throwing ourselves off them.
What causes familiarity towards a place you have never been before?
Q&A is a photographic project that explores the semi-fictionalised, hyperreal version of America that people hold in their heads.
Meet the junk rafts and gutter punks of the Venice Canals
There were many rafts over the course of the four years and all were built with salvaged materials. The construction boom happening in NYC in the mid-2000s provided a lot of scrap material that we pulled from dumpsters.
Travel photography and the art of spontaneity
I love the unexpected, uncontrollable moments that just happen. That’s why I suppose spontaneity is really the crux of the best art I’ve done. That, and I just really love the process of making things.
Self-portraits as self-discovery with Edie Sunday
My self-portraits help me live with myself a little better. I escape my own internal negative filter of feeling flawed, undesirable or broken, into just feeling human.
Lusatia – Germany’s polluted wasteland that’s turning into a holiday destination
In the past the air quality was very bad. There was this saying that if you put a white shirt out in the garden to dry when you came out it would be grey or black.
Adventure doesn’t have to be gendered: A young woman’s 2 months alone in the wilds of Mongolia
There are countless stories that tell of a young man, lost and uncertain, who sets out on a whirlwind adventure and figures out who he really is. It is a sad reality that amongst the great classic adventure stories, very few (if any) of the protagonists are female.