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The brutal spectacle of ancient Japanese bullfighting

Luke Van Aurich

Eastern cultural practices are easily digested when they fall in line with Western moral values. When they do not align, they are commonly judged and denounced.

Last Leg, Kenya to Namibia

Callum Smith

Peddling, peddling, peddling (and yeah peddling…) I can assure you that we had our days on the road. Like who really heads over to Africa to ride a pushbike … with their dad?

Our long travels together

Aleksandra Semyonova

Asia gave me an amazing journey full of friendly and kindly people, good food and a great location.

My endless search for pristine wilderness

Jono WInnel

From the moment I could walk my father dragged me around the countryside fishing, camping and hunting. He took me across Australia, through the desert and from the top to the bottom.

Buy The Adventure Handbook’s first publication: Learnin’ as we go

The Adventure Handbook

Now available for online purchase, The Adventure Handbook’s very first piece of print Learning as we go showcases stories, interviews and photography from Australia and around the globe which will make you remember that life’s short.

Gone Full Circle: Part 3 – Making it to the end of the world

Josh Bergemann

I jump off the bike just in time to empty my stomach onto the dirt road. My heart’s rushing, skin sweating and both legs shake under my skinny frame. I’m a notch above completely hopeless.

In defence of the over-romanticised American roadtrip

Matt Lief Anderson

I love a road trip. I’ve been on dozens of them around the world and in 46 states. The American road is a bit over-romanticized. That Kerouacian idea of finding yourself is overplayed, but there’s something out there in the mountains, deserts, plains, and cities that I can’t explain.

Antarctica, an expedition to the edge of the earth

Johannes Huwe

Two days sailing through the infamous Drake Passage lie before us until we arrive at the Antarctic peninsula. Icebergs point the way, a signal that we don’t have much farther to go.

Untold stories of the Trans-Pecos Pipeline

Spike Johnson

I felt sad for the Big Bend inhabitants, for the residents of Chihuahua, the idea of American freedom, and our crumbling concepts of democracy.

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